Podrobné informace o tématu

Study of molecular quantum bits by high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance

Experiment, Simulace, Teorie
Magnetooptická THz spektroskopie

9 měsíců
Ing. Jakub Hrubý j.hruby@icloud.com


In quantum computation the classic binary digit (bit) is replaced by a so-called quantum bit (qubit). Molecular spins are potential candidates for qubits depending on the lifetime (relaxation time) of their spin states. This property can be chemically engineered by changing organic ligands around the central metal atom. The goal of this work is the characterization of several molecular spin systems based on cobalt with different ligands using high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (HF-EPR) spectroscopy. This tool enables direct observation of spin transitions, and the simulation of EPR absorption spectra provides the intrinsic molecular magnetic parameters and relaxation times.

Supervisor: Dr. Vinicius Santana